Californication Season Two Episode 12 “La Petite Mort”


I like how the season finale began with “Keep Me in Your Heart” by Warren Zevon. It’s a nice song and a fitting tribute for Lew Ashby. I think it is also touching that Hank talks to Ashby’s ghost as he finishes his biography. I am still bummed Ashby had to die. He was an intriguing character, and whenever he was on screen there was always something interesting happening. I am definitely going to miss his character.

The question of whether Hank is the father of Sonja’s baby is finally answered on this episode. The outcome is that Hank is not the father. This is a very funny scene. Julian is the main reason this scene is so hilarious. That guy is so out there. It turns out that Sonja’s baby is black, as she nonchalantly remembers the time she slept with a black guy. Everyone in this scene is funny, but Julian is definitely the best. My two favorite lines from him are “I will raise this black baby like he is my own”, and “he looks like me.”

It is sad seeing Charlie work at a car dealership. I feel bad for him that his relationship is over, however I cannot feel too bad. In retrospect, Charlie should have said no to Marcy when she proposed he have sex with Daisy. He’s married, or was, and has no business having sex with other women, even if his wife suggests it.

I am glad that Hank makes the decision for Becca to stay with him when Karen goes to New York. This is what I have been hoping for all season, more father-daughter time. Hank is always a better person when Becca is around. She keeps him in line. It seems a little cliché, but the season finale also reveals that Karen does truly love Hank, it’s a bit corny, but also nice, because it shows that no matter what these two will find a way to love each other, even if their not together.

The season finale ties up the loose ends pretty well; it was an overall good episode. I like that they reveal that Hank is not the father of Sonja’s baby. I know that would have really hurt Karen, and affected their relationship badly. I am also glad that most of the characters have found peace, even if that may change come next season.


6:00 p.m.

Viewed from: Dorm room.

About nikhilisawesome

I'm 25, i'm a student at Brooklyn College, I love, movies, tv, video games, and the Lakers and Yankees.
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1 Response to Californication Season Two Episode 12 “La Petite Mort”

  1. professor Dunphy says:

    Really good observations here!

    Especially, “Hank is always a better person when Becca is around. She keeps him in line.”

    I totally agree.

    Your post is riddled with these insightful comments.

    Well done… and yes, Julian did get some incredible lines… I’m always reminded of “Me, Myself & Irene” in that scene…

    Their= they’re… small difference but learn the proper usage.

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